Agricultural, Bloom, Boron, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Tree Fruit
As growers focus on achieving goals of Nitrogen Management Plans, they are looking carefully at how plants best utilize Nitrogen. Molybdenum may be as essential to effective Nitrogen management as it is to Nitrogen utilization in plants. Molybdenum is an essential...
Agricultural, Bloom, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Stone Fruit, Tree Fruit, Tree Nuts, Wine Grapes
Performance is More Than a Derived From Statement A question we often get from field men and growers, is how our TECH-GRO® MIRA-CAL differs from hydrated lime. MIRA-CAL is after all, derived from hydrated lime. We take our raw ingredients, put them through a chemical...
Agricultural, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Freeze Protection, Iron, Wine Grapes
Performance is more than a derived from statement. Every product we make was built on the same belief. That growers deserve products that work. That, when designed right, foliar nutrients should be safe at rates high enough to make a noticeable difference....
Agricultural, Benefits of Zinc, Bloom, Boric Acid, Boron, Foliar Nutrients, Stone Fruit, Tree Fruit, Zinc
Delayed dormant sprays replenish essential nutrients like Zinc just as deciduous trees come out of dormancy, when buds are just starting to break, but leaf and flower buds have not yet begun to emerge. Zinc deficiency is well known in eastern Washington in perennial...
Agricultural, Benefits of Zinc, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Zinc
TECH-FLO® Zeta Zinc 22% is a highly concentrated, controlled release Zinc spray that is safe and effective. When you look at active ingredient (ai) concentration, instead of cost per acre, TECH-FLO is also an economical way to get more Zinc in your plant tissues. Zinc...