Agricultural, Benefits of Zinc, Bloom, Boric Acid, Boron, Drought Protection, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Freeze Protection, Iron, Manganese, Tree Fruit, Tree Nuts, Zinc
As 2018 bloom continues in California’s tree fruit and tree nut crops, mother nature continues her promise to not let the farmer’s rest. From early spring-like temperatures, to hard freezes, and lots of rain, it is hard to tell how to best treat your bloom. “In a...
Agricultural, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Harvest
When fertilizer companies say things like “increased yield,” have you ever wondered what they meant? This trial follows an artichoke grower for 5 cuts, or rounds, of harvesting made during his growing season. The farmer followed a Nutrient TECH spray program and...
Agricultural, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients
All growers have goals for their crops. This lettuce grower wanted to increase his quality and reduce tip-burn occurrence. Over the course of 3 growing seasons, he pitted Nutrient TECH’ program including TECH-GRO MIRA-CAL 30% Calcium against his standard products....
Agricultural, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Wine Grapes
Do you get 200% or 600% ROI from your nutrient program? Do you get the quality you want? Growing wine grapes is different than growing most other crops. ROI can be measured in many different ways. For some growers, quality matters more than yield, and making sure the...
Agricultural, Benefits of Zinc, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Zinc
TECH-FLO® Zeta Zinc 22% is a highly concentrated, controlled release Zinc spray that is safe and effective. When you look at active ingredient (ai) concentration, instead of cost per acre, TECH-FLO is also an economical way to get more Zinc in your plant tissues. Zinc...
Agricultural, Benefits of Zinc, Bloom, Boron, Citrus, Fertilizers, Foliar Nutrients, Harvest, Iron, Zinc
Recently, we have talked with citrus growers about how to refine their nutrient programs to improve yield and quality. No matter the variety of citrus grown, high quality fruit that meets consumer’s expectations is vital to the economic viability of citrus growers in...