AlphaDF 0-24-0

AlphaDF™ is a neutral, micronized wettable powder formulated with excellent dispersion and wetting characteristics for use as a foliar spray. It can be used anytime during the growing season. Early season applications influence bud vigor and fruit set, contributes to higher yields, and improves quality of crop. SimplyFLO safens our high analysis formula and improves spray tank compatibility, even with spray oils. If visible residue is a concern, do not apply 3-4 weeks before harvest.
pH Range: 7 (1% solution)
Density: 1.224 g/cm3 (10.2 lbs./gal)
AlphaDF™ 0-24-0 plus 22% Calcium and 12% Zinc
- High analysis dry formulation
- Early season for bud vigor and fruit set
- Increase yield
Influence Bud Vigor and Fruit Set
In the pacific northwest pears, apples, and grapes respond well to the high analysis P, Ca, Zn in AlphaDF
Derived from: Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Sulfate, Zinc Phosphate, and Zinc Oxysulfate.