
Nutricop 20 enhances color development in a wide range of crops. Best color is obtained from multiple applications starting early in vegetable crops, mid-season for fruit trees. Nutricop 20 can be used on tree crops, berries, vines, vegetables, and row crops. The slow-release formulation reduces phytotoxicity and readily disperses in the spray tank.

11.40 lbs./gal

Nutricop 20 Copper Foliar Spray

  • Use in color-enhancing programs
  • Safe at rates up to 4 pints per acre

Activate Plant Enzymes

Copper serves as an activator of numerous plant enzymes and plays a role in the development of plant pigments. Copper deficiency interferes with protein synthesis and has been observed on trees and vines growing on organic soils and sandy soils. Copper deficiency may be associated with high phosphorus, zinc or nitrogen levels. Foliar diseases are increased, and lignification is reduced or absent, with copper deficiency.

Derived from: Copper Oxysulfate.