TECH-FLO® Zeta Zinc 22% is a highly concentrated, controlled release Zinc spray that is safe and effective. When you look at active ingredient (ai) concentration, instead of cost per acre, TECH-FLO is also an economical way to get more Zinc in your plant tissues.
Zinc is an essential nutrient and must be applied to keep trees and vines producing at their peak. Zinc also happens to pose phytotoxic risk and many fertilizer manufacturers limit the amount of active ingredient allowed to be applied in foliar sprays to minimize risk. We make our TECH-FLO products with a unique surfactant package, POLYSORBYGEN, that minimizes phyto risks and stabilizes the formulation in the spray tank.
Field trials show TECH-FLO Zeta Zinc 22% does a better job of getting Zinc in plant tissues where it’s needed
- Influences bud vigor and fruit set
- Improves winter hardiness
- Influence stem elongation
- Prevent excessive shatter in grapes
- Promote seed formation/maturity
- Safe to use throughout growing season
- Increases yields
- Mixes easily, even with oils
The following data has been compiled from real world trials performed against grower’s standards. Results are based on carefully washed, post-application tissue samples.
Make the most out of your spray applications. TECH-FLO Zeta Zinc 22% supplies enough nutrients to make a noticeable difference. Our controlled-release formulation is safe to use on sensitive crops, all season long.
To find label, SDS, and more information click here. You can order products or from your local fertilizer dealer like Nutrien Ag Solutions, Northwest Wholesale, Saddle Mountain Supply, Farm Supply, USA Ag Supplies and many more.