We have had a lot of growers asking about our new biofertilizer ROOTERRA and how it performs in foliar applications, so we hired a third-party researcher to get some answers.
Silage corn is grown as feed, for animals such as cows, and the ears provide the biggest protein and nutrient benefit to the animals, but the entire top-plant is ground up for silage. Our original research goal was to show that applications of ROOTERRA on Round-Up treated corn did not negatively affect yield.
The results were much better.
The researcher used both soil and foliar applications of ROOTERRA 9-3-7 at rates of 2 quarts per acre at 4-5 leaf in replicated trails. Both treatments increased ear weight and overall tonnage compared to the control. The foliar application increased ear weight, girth, size and filled more kernels compared to the control.

These results show that foliar applications of biofertilizer and essential nutrients together give growing plants what they need for optimal yields. We have observed similar results on sweet corn with an extra 300-500 pounds per acre. Corn grain yield increases are estimated to be 6 bushel per acre when soil applied, and 10-15 bushels per acre with foliar application when using a conversion to calculate wet to dry weight. With these gains, ROOTERRA easily pays for itself, even in years with lower returns.
As our Agronomist, Tom Gerecke, noted in a recent tech meeting, “we haven’t seen a bad result yet from ROOTERRA.” Whether you grow field and row crops, are trying to establish a new orchard or vineyard, or just want to get the most from your crops in a low-water year, call your PCA or fieldman to try biofertilizer ROOTERRA on your crops.
Download ROOTERRA Silage Corn Trial Information